However, if you tap on return, the true search completes. When you type a search keyword, the results that pop up are as I stated: hymns, topical guide, and dictionary. I’ll leave my original review as it stands. That or let those who want revert back to the old way or at least have that option. I look forward to an improvement in the next version. All I know is that my study was more rewarding and spiritually focused in the last version. Why can’t we have the best of all worlds, more info, pleasing aesthetics, pleasing font and for heavens sake some margins. It makes me want to read only the footnotes. The irony is when you pull up the footnotes they are in the old font and size while the main text is in the new aesthetically challenged font. You have to repeat the process every time you advance a chapter. Yes you can manually change the size of the text in tools but that only works for that one chapter. Yes it provides more content on one page but that content is too small and difficult to use. Now the text is small and harsh and goes to the far extreme of both sides of the screen (where are the margins?). It was pleasing to the eyes and made for not only a great tool but also a pleasing experience. The last font, spacing and layout was very well done from an aesthetic point of view. The thing I liked best about using this app to study over my hard copy of the scriptures was the experience I had when scrolling through the text.